Policy Summaries

The trustees of Wighton Village Hall take seriously their commitment to ensure the welfare of all persons associated with the Hall, whether they be volunteers, hirers or attendees. Accordingly the Trustees have adopted the following primary policies.

Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults.

THIS POLICY applies to the usage of and activities in Wighton Village Hall and any ancillary activities which are the responsibility of the Village Hall Trustees. The aim of this policy is to protect all children and vulnerable adults from abuse whether it be physical, verbal, sexual, bullying, exclusion or neglect.

The trustees of the Village Hall will uphold this policy and will bring it to the attention of all hirers and users and all persons associated with the Hall. The trustees will ensure that hirers/users of the hall understand that is their responsibility to safeguard the members of their group.

No trustee, contractor, hirer or volunteer associated with the Hall shall have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults unless they are in possession of appropriate authority such as from the DBS (the Disclosure Barring Service) and that authority has been verified by the Trustees

Acceptance of the Village Hall’s safeguarding policy is a condition of the agreed contract for hiring the Hall

A copy of this policy is available on the Wighton Village Hall notice board. This policy will be reviewed annually.

Equal Opportunities Policy.

Equal opportunities are paramount and will be applied to all persons using the facilities of Wighton Village Hall. Hiring agreements are made at the discretion of the trustees who are responsible for promoting a safe, harmonious environment where all persons are treated with respect. The trustees will endeavour to ensure there is no discrimination on grounds of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief. As the Hall is close to residential properties, the welfare of near neighbours will be a consideration when concluding a hiring agreement. Bookings will be made on a first come, first served basis.

Where there is concern about any form of discrimination, this must be reported to the trustees who will listen to and assess the allegation, treat the complainant with respect and respond appropriately.

The hirers acceptance of the Village Hall’s equal opportunities policy is part of the agreed hiring contract.

Health & Safety Policy

The Trustees have overall responsibility for Health and Safety in the hall and for the implementation of this policy. It is the intention of the Trustees to comply with all Health and Safety legislation and to act positively where they can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from the activities and operations in the Hall.

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